100 schede per esplorare il tuo business model

Pensierini Notturni
di Business Exploration

Caro Collega Innovatore,

Flavio Tosi - Business Exploration

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Costruire un modello di business è un processo iterativo che si forma attorno a un'idea centrale
una che aiuta i clienti a giocare a un nuovo gioco per raggiungere i loro obiettivi.

Perché questo libretto:

  • Guidarti passo dopo passo nell'esplorazione del tuo modello di business
  • Unire i puntini tra idee, modelli e strumenti come: Business Model Canvas, MVP, Product Market Fit...
  • Raccogliere idee, strumenti, modelli pratici, best practice e lezioni apprese, in un unico posto.

Come funziona:

  • Ispirato dall'insegnamento di Steve Blank, Alex Osterwalder, Kim & Mauborgne, Rita McGrath ecc.
  • 100 diapositive "Plug & Play" che spiegano visivamente le idee chiave nel modo più semplice possibile;
  • Struttura completa per aiutarti a progettare e costruire un modello di business che vende.

Cosa imparerai:

  • Le 20 domande della check-list di mercato
  • Le 7 P del marketing classico
  • La Javelin TAble per tracciare le tue Pivot senza perderti
  • Il Blue Canvas - il Business Model Canvas 2.0
  • I 4 tipi di clienti Blue Ocean
  • Le 5 componenti del Job-to-be-done
  • I 2 elementi del Product-Market Fit
  • Il Profilo dell' MVP di un Unicorno
  • I 6 livelli di maturità organizzativa
  • I flussi di cassa del tuo modello di business
  • Le 7 regole del gioco

Testato sul campo:

  • L'Autore ha più di 25 anni di esperienza nel go-to-market strategico: come responsabile marketing strategico in General Electric Oil&Gas e come consulente per PMI industriali e startup high-tech. Ha usato queste idee per lanciare startup nei settori alimentare, AI, Healthcare Saas, Business Services, Digital Security e supportare il go-to-market delle PMI industriali nei settori Aerospace, Energy, Oil&Gas, Automation e Medical Devices.


Indice dei contenuti:

    The Ansoff Matrix of commercial innovation
    The 4 steps of Business Exploration®
    How to bring an idea to market?
    What is Marketing and what is Selling
    Classic Marketing framework
    Moving our marketing towards Customer’s Value
    The 20 bare minimum elements of a sound Go to Market
    Go To Market Check-list
    Clayton Strategic Questions:
    Bringing innovation to un-known customers
    Blue Ocean Strategy
    Discovery Planning:
    Discovery Planning framework:
    Lean Startup: a scientific methodology to do business
    Testing that an IDEA has MARKET
    Pivoting around the Customer-problem-solution
    The only factor you control
    There are dozens of stakeholders around your idea:
    Keep It Simple, Stupid!
    Your business model makes you compete on the 3 markets:
    Understand the throughput of your business model:
    The efficiency hole
    The efficiency hole’s plug
    What is the «CORE IDEA» of your Business?
    Choosing the right Customer:
    Mintzberg’s way to look at an organization:
    Porter’s way to look at an organization
    Osterwalder’s way to look at an Organization:
    The Blue Canvas
    The Business Model Canvas 2.0:
    How to use your BMC 2.0 ( the Blue Canvas )
    The Blue Canvas template
    Where to find good ideas:
    You sell in a Community
    Customer, an operative definition.
    Segmenting B2B customers using Aesop’s Zoo
    Look Right: to the next Customer
    Non–consumers: Clients spending in other markets
    Look up: to find the Next Level Customer:
    The Early-evangelist: the entry point to the new market
    Customers hire products & services to do a Job.
    What kind of job Customer wants to do?
    Framing the customer’s Job-to-be-done:
    Job-to-be-done defines the “Problem Category” and its Budget
    Must-do, Should-do, Could-do Jobs
    For Service, Job-to-be-done is again about bringing help.
    Service Outcomes are around RAM
    B2B vs B2C Customer:
    In B2B, outcomes KPIs are easily defined: money
    The S.C.O.R.E. model for B2B outcomes identification
    Value …from customer perspective
    The “core idea”
    Finding your Unique Selling Proposition
    Understanding customers can be frustrating:
    Perception gaps
    Does the Customer really want it?
    Job-do-be-done defines the outcome metrics: Loss and Gains
    Searching for Product – market fit
    Value generation:
    How do we build a Product or Service?
    Levels of complexity of our offer:
    MVP: creating our offer by converging iterations
    Be Bold like Picasso
    How to set Priorities
    Defining the Minimum Viable Product by its outcomes:
    The Blue Ocean Strategy
    Don’t profile “Features”, profile “Outcomes” :
    Sustainability of the competitive advantage
    Difference between Goods and Services
    Designing the Service value proposition
    Testing your MVP
    Stacking your tests together
    The journey from Startup to Grown-up has a goal:
    Harvesting economies of scale requires Processes:
    What is a process:
    Your company processes come in 4 types:
    Your Company processes should sustain 3 flows:
    A map of the key processes in a Company
    Size your Channels for the Service Level you promise
    E-commerce it’s a multichannel operation
    In B2B use the customer as your dealer
    Logistic Risks
    Customer funneling:
    Customer moving
    Partners are people that make better than you,
    The Sales Gear
    The Costs Gear
    The Value Creation, seen with CFO eyes:
    You got “traction” when you have a positive Cash Flow
    7 Rules of the Game

Per saperne di più su come creare o valutare un business model vincente:


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400 modelli e idee in più:

li trovi nel nostro manueale: "The Human Sales",
che ingegneri, dottori di ricerca, data scientist e tecnici utilizzano dal 2009
per servire le comunità che apprezzano le loro innovazioni:

The Human Sales

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