Whether you have to build your go-to-market or

align your processes to your market goals,

you may need a hand to bring you from Idea to Reality:

1) understand your problem and goal,

2) design how things should work,

3) plan a path to make your idea come true,

4) consolidate your success.

Dear Fellow Innovator,

Here you find the basic steps of the Roadmap to Market.

This model is based on two pillars:

· A full understanding of  classic business practices,

· A passion for latest startup’s development methodologies,

and it has 4 steps:

1) Framing your business vision:

In this phase we take a deep dive into your idea, problem and goal.

Using discussion’s facilitation, brainstorming, one-to-one interviews,

company and competitive data analysis, benchmarking, process mapping, we create:

· due diligence reports,

· processes & organizational maps,

· competences and HR assessments,

· financial reviews,

· technology and infrastructure inventory,

· competitive & market assessments, etc.,

that help you have a clear and unbiased third party point of view of your current situation and environment.

Here we use methodologies we borrow from Tollgate 1 ( Market ) and Tollgate 2  ( business modeling ) New Product Introduction methodology and from phase D (design), M (measure) and A (analyze) of the DMAIC process that we were using in Six Sigma projects in General Electric, plus a good deal of experience in facilitating the open collaboration of partners, employees and suppliers.

2) Build the initial business model:

“No wind is good if you do not know where to head” Seneca said.

In this phase we help you define the possible outcome of the exploration journey you are starting.

Using classic frameworks of Marketing like 4P’s, Porter’s 5 Forces, but also performing complex quantitative analysis like Conjoint, Statistical testing, Montecarlo, A/B split testing, SQL querying, that allows us to distill conclusion from market data, competitive data, ERP data, organizational and product/technology data, we help define a first  go-to- market model and processes alignment in the form of:

· business model canvas,

· business plan,

· communication plan,

· branding, positioning and Unique Selling Proposition definition,

· organization layouts,

· quantitative models,

· predictive models,

· software models,

· market models,

· sales processes model,

· strategic landscapes, etc.,

That give you a clear initial idea of the results expected.

Here we stress the concept of “initial” idea.

No plan in-fact can resist the first contact with Clients.

Neither with Employees.

The firsts could be unknown and must be found and verified.

The seconds are entrenched in their resistances and armed with the weapons of first-hand experience.

For this reason we proceed with the 3td phase:

3) Find a profitable go-to-market:

Here we inject two key methodologies into our Roadmap to Market:

· Customer Development,

· Change Management Facilitation,

The first we take full hand from latest lean startup best practices, that instill the principles of consider your “initial” vision an hypothesis to be verified on field and whose elements must be changed until a stable design of your business model has been found.

The second is a complement to the first, borrowed from international behavioral studies, games’ theory, evolutionary and cultural researches,  that give a plus in bringing all your stakeholders on board in designing the experiments and finding new hypothesis toward a proven model.

The result is a mix of planning and facilitating activities like:

· market experiment design,

· customer discovery planning,

· competitive reaction testing,

· strategic sessions facilitation,

· organization stress testing,

· team building,

· competences building,

· exploratory missions planning,

· networking leveraging,

· Minimum Viable Product design ( MVP),

· Minimum Viable Process design ( MVPCS),

· pilot software  development,

· pilot communication development,

· pilot web funnels development,

· … and many more that can be required.

At the end, all these activities are totally in line with key Galileo’s scientific principles of formulating hypothesis that can be verified by independent teams, replicated and described in a numerical way.

Plus the engineering commandment of reaching target through a series of closing-up approximations.

This is the reason why, as engineers, with a strong technical background in designing new products & services and years of project management on our backpack, we feel perfectly comfy in designing and  managing the uncertain exploration journey that leads to:

· predictable business models and

· controllable business processes.

4) Consolidate your business:

The last step is the most important and the most overlooked, always.

Consolidating the results brings two different challenges:

· scaling up and

· securing the results.

Scaling a business implies a deep understanding of the words “large scale business”. We were lucky enough to get the invaluable experience in working as project managers, business transformation leaders and cash managers in the largest and better managed organization of the world.

Just bringing under control the payment risks associated to a portfolio of 150 Projects worth 1 Billion dollars a year has open our eyes on the true meaning of “scale”, in a way that few other have experienced.

Securing the Results means a strong experience in leading transformation projects that last. Also here we got our share of successes and failures that you can see summarized in our “11 Resistances” collection (see here). Designing and proving a business model in-fact is not enough, if this business model is not embraced by an organization and the organization commits itself to maintain and improve it.

To do so, we help define:

· transition plans from “developer team” to “execution team”,

· adults’ training and competencies improvements,

· organizational and staffing projects,

· resources selections rounds,

· resistances overcoming activities,

But also:

· KPI design

· KPI dashboards software deployment,

· process and performance Metrics,

· risk management metrics,

· quality systems design,

· procedures design and enforcement plans,


And many other special activities that can help

making your business idea safely rump-up.

We call it the “Roadmap to Market”.

If you want to know more,  call us at +44 7491 164 097

The “Roadmap to Market”

the 4 steps of the Roadmap to Market Methodology

The Roadmap to Market,

a methodology to design your go to market

Little nightly thoughts

by Business Exploration®

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